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WO // Seattle, WA, Vereinigte Staaten
WANN // Wed, May 5


This free CRETINS MC event starts early and ends early so you can get to work on time the next morning . Here is the plan . 


+ Show up at the VME ( Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts) monthly gathering at Goldies on Airport way . ( It starts around six and usually goes till the sun goes down)  .


+ Ride to the Cretin club house  alone or in small groups any time before                             8:00 pm  3600 East marginal way S.  ( if you have never been there before be sure to do a map check before hand ...... it is only a few miles away but can be tricky to find)


+ Check out the free rock show at the club house  featuring the Garage rock/ Ska mod sounds of Tacoma band " The Dignitaries "


+ Show ends at  9:00 go home and sleep well after a rewarding evening!


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